Page 13 God's Watchman by Pastor Alton B. (Don) Billingsley
P. 13

Warnings from Jesus Christ

through Mr. Armstrong

In addition to the heavenly
signs that have already begun
being seen as forerunners
leading to the fullness of the
Day of the Lord, no one will be
able to say they were not
warned over many years by
God's late apostle for we are
now witnessing what he
preached coming to pass.
In this context, Jesus Christ
cautioned His people:

"Now WHEN these things
LOOK UP and Lift Up
Your Heads, BECAUSE
your redemption draws
near" (Luke 21:25-28).

The House of Joseph is
now on the very precipice
of terrible problems soon
to surface as never before
witnessed! This will spell their
end as nations along with the
deaths of the members of the
Laodicean and Sardis Eras of
God's Church! Revelation
6:9-11; 13:7.

Though punishment and
death will come in other ways,
there is both a type and duality
with the pre-Flood world of
Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah,
and the Jews in Jerusalem in
70 A. D., and for the very same
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