Page 8 God's Watchman by Pastor Alton B. (Don) Billingsley
P. 8

suffer because of their hard- Afterward, thousands of cap- witnessed in phenomenon
heartedness to His visitation - tive Jews were forced to fight unparalleled in our time in
the very Creator God among wild beasts as a celebration, to heavenly signs; such as:
them, and they knew Him not amuse the populace of Rome lightning striking twice the
(Luke 19:41-44; 23:27-30). (Ancient History in Bible dome of St. Peters, a meteor
Though He cared deeply for Light, Miller, page 263). striking Russia - both taking
them (Matthew 23:37-39), place five days apart in
the same love was not there for Needless to say, Jesus Christ February 20
Him. wants His people Israel to seri-
ously ponder what took place
Jerusalem 70 A. D. at that time for it closely paral-
There are the historical writ- lels in many respects what will
ings that make known the take place with many hun-
extremely terrifying times that dreds of millions of people
brought suffering and death to from the House of Israel to
the Jewish people in Jerusa- suffer even worse than the
lem in 70 A.D. Jewish people at that time;

Titus and his enormous unless there is repentance
Roman armies totally before this takes place.
destroyed the City and These heavenly signs were
the Temple. Aside from Warning Signs meaningful to the astute and
the 97,000 Jews taken as of Impending wise minds as warnings of the
prisoners, and not counting Destruction prophesied events soon to
the 2,000 Jews the Roman occur in this end-time. Society
When considering the Warn-
soldiers ripped open in one dismissed them as irrelevant.
ing Signs that took place in
night, hundreds were nailed to Yet, they have begun picturing
Jerusalem in 66-70 A. D., one
crosses outside the city, there can clearly see a direct parallel the warnings of what is soon to
were ns,8oo who died in the take place, just as the HEA V-
with what is beginning to be
City from the Famine and ENLY SIGNS OF WARNINGS
internal conflicts. (The Bible were given before the fall of
as History, Keller, Page 407). Jerusalem.
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